Sunday 16 July 2017

The Great wall of China

The Great wall of china is a world famous historical place.It was the state chu who first built the wall. In the seventh century B.C. it originally built.The Great wall of china made of stone, brick,wood & other materials.It built along an east to west line across the historical northern borders of china to protect the Chinese states. The length of the Great wall of china is 5,500,3 miles. During its construction the Great wall of china  was called "The longest cemetery on earth" because so many
people died building it, During the century of the china history. Actually it was built in different areas by different states/dynasties to protect different territorial borders. In the present time due to natural erosion & human damage about 2,000 kilometers or 30% of the Ming great wall has disappeared. By history we also can know that the wall construction was a common punishment for Chinese convicts. At last we can say that Great wall has long been incorporated into Chinese mythology & popular symbolism.In chines  history it also a famous historical event

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