Saturday 8 July 2017

Imperial palace

Hello friends...... I hope U all are  fine. Today i writing about a historical palace of japan . Every nation has own history & have many historical palace. Japan also have many historical palace, The "Imperial palace" is one of them . Now i tell U about this historical palace.
The " Imperial palace" is located on the former site of Edo Castle. it is a large park area surrounded by moats and massive stone walls . it also situated in the center of Tokyo .It is the residence of japan's imperial Family.. Residence is not open to public In this palace have three garden, the East Garden, Quter garden & kitanomaru Garden.They are typical recreation place to common people in Tokyo. East garden is now at the same place where administrative block of Edo castle were before. Edo castle used to be the seatv of the Tokugawa Shogun who ruled japan from 1603 untill 1867.In 1868 the shogunate was overthrown & the country's capital & imperial resdence were moved from Kyoto to Tokyo.In 1888 construction of a new imperial palace was completed. Once time the palace was destroyed during world war two & rebuilt in the same
style. Here Kokyo Garden is the large plaza in front of the imperial palace. The stone bridge in front is called "Meganebashi" for its looks. The inner groungs of the palace are generally not open to the public.Only on January  2 & December 23 visitors are able to enter the inner palace grounds &see the members of the Imperial Family, who make several public appearances on a balcony.

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